Trump talks tough on crime during North Carolina rally
During a Save America campaign event rally former President Donald J. Trump once again proposed to “get tough” on drug dealers by implementing the strongest penalty the US can offer which is the death penalty.
This rally was held under the “Save America” umbrella of conservative events but this particular rally was held in Wilmington, North Carolina to bolster support for incumbent representative Ted Budd’s run for a Senate seat.
Former President Donald Trump should have seemed a little too pro Big Brother for a lot of Americans when advocating popular police state actions like expediated “trials” and quick executions but his comments garnered quite the applause at the rally. Former President Trump then went further and re-counted a visit he took to China where he asked the current president of China Xi Jinping how China was able to tackle their drug problem. According to Trump the Chinese president said that they used to have a lot of drug problems but now if someone is accused of selling drugs they are given a “quick” trial and given the death penalty. Trumps reasoning for bringing up this conversation with President Xi was to show that being “tough” on drug crime will get you great results. That claim has been trumpeted by Trump before but a quick google search reveals data that discredits the claim (
Without going down another rabbit hole of Trumps baseless claims regarding China it’s safe to assume that since China cannot control their drug problem with “tough” measures such as the death penalty the same attempt in the US would most likely yield the same lackluster results at curbing that particular crime. This is especially true when a good deal of drugs such as fentanyl originate from China itself (
However, if this is indeed what our Former President wants and what the majority of Americans want the free country we live in dictates it should be made so. I mean just imagine your best friend from high school made a few bad life decisions and then gets busted for dealing drugs. According to the extreme right your boyhood friend is obviously a stain on society and to the gallows he must go. It’s hard but if it “works” for China I’m sure it will work in the democratic republic of America…
But here is where it can get interesting. Why restrain it to drug dealers? Crime runs rampant in many areas of America and we don’t want to be seen as discriminatory do we? I say if we can send drug dealers to a “quick” trial and punishment the same should hold true for other crimes that prey on the poor and middle class. Anyone that takes advantage of these individuals that are the backbone of America should be protected at all costs. So lets not just go after the drug dealers who prey on the Average Joe American. Let’s go after those businesses that took advantage of pandemic relief to pad their own pockets (, or those that grossly evaded taxes that fund our society (, but the list goes on of people and businesses taking advantage of this country that we love. If while attempting to stop the scourge of drug dealers we should be able to send these other law avoiding lowlifes to a “quick” trial. Or maybe we could start using common sense and understand that when given a choice “most” people are selfish and when things skew too far in one direction (looking at you 1% crowd) legislation can help restore us to the ideal of a more perfect union that we all hold so dear.