My Medium Progress Report 10/11/2022 📊

3 min readOct 11, 2022


A quick overview of what I’ve posted and how it’s done on Medium so far

spreadsheet graphic created by @atypicalblogger
spreadsheet graphic created by Jace

Well it’s been a long journey (a whole week) but I’ve finally waited as long as I can to share how successful my time on medium has been so far. I’d love to say that earnings reflect the graphic above but I am both too new at Medium and more importantly under the 100 follower limit to be a part of the Medium Partner Program. So the data below is to add one more data point to anyone else on a Medium journey who may be curious.

As you can see from the screenshot below I had a pretty good posting rhythm for the start of the week but once the weekend arrived life’s obligations took precedence and I missed a few days. So I’m taking a tip from @jkeszka ( and working on creating a “bank” of articles so that when life gets a little busy I don’t have to worry about cranking out my daily quota I can just publish from draft. Now I know from living with myself these past years that this is not a fool proof plan for this fool but it should make the posting breaks much smaller than they normally would have been and every bit helps.

I published one political article with what I would call a sensationalized title but it did not seem to draw any attention. My article More Coffee, Life Later written while procrastinating the morning away seemed to do much better and was a lot more fun to write since it was just writing without editing. My other article written on semi current news was the SEC fines article but since it was only my second article I’m not too worried about it. This whole first month is really just a sandbox for seeing what works and what I actually like to write about. Besides, until I get a 100 followers the performance of any story is just for my own vanity.

The majority of my articles are a side project I was playing around with to discover new subreddits on I’m not sure if I’ll continue this forever but I’m still enjoying it right now so I’ll keep posting articles until it becomes a chore. I did initially start the Reddit Roulette articles as a list as that seemed to be the best way to group them but then I started learning about publications and I figured the best way to learn about publications was to start one so I created Subreddit Spin and am publishing to that going forward. Eventually I’ll get up the courage to apply to write on established publications but for now it’s fun to have my own space (which is what enticed me to sign up for Medium in the first place).




Written by Jace

Just another blogger in cyberspace. I blog 📓 for a living on a portfolio of websites and day trade 🗠 to keep the lights 💡 on.

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