More Coffee, Life Later

3 min readOct 5, 2022


A post about coffee and thinking about everything else

It All Takes Time

The only thing that everyone in the world only has a finite amount of… Time. I could be spending time with loved ones, I could be spending time sleeping in my bed (temps are getting colder at night where I am), I could be adding articles to my niche sites as that is my main source of income these days. However, I wasn’t doing any of those things for most of this morning. Instead of doing any of those objectively productive activities I sat by the window and sipped on my morning cup (read pot) of coffee.

It’s not that those other activities don’t warrant my attention but the older I get I find my most productive days are those that begin with a cup or two of coffee. I’ve found over the years that it’s just too easy to hit the ground running in a million different ways and end the day with nothing truly accomplished. If I take thirty minutes or so and watch the world go by from my window taking small sips from my mug it seems to give a new dimension to my day. I no longer see tasks as one-dimensional pieces of work on their own but I can step back from my day before it officially begins and really tune in to what actions need to happen and the overarching goals I want to complete.

Late Afternoon Blogging Begins

I would love to say that I hop out of bed and words flow to the page but that is not the world I live in. After my initial cup of coffee I put on the pot for the real coffee action (the first pot is always a precursor) to get the creative juices flowing. In the past I would sit down at my desktop computer and start banging out whatever happened to pop in my head but these days I try with moderate success to use the Google docs list of article topics I had previously created to begin my work. If I did not come up with a topic while on my first cup of coffee I just take the first topic on my Google doc and that is where my day really begins.

Writing Is A Mode

Writing to me has always felt like a race between my mind and my fingers to see what I could dream up and if my hands could record it before the thought slipped away (as so many tragically seem to do). To start this race of brain vs body I make sure my desk area is clear of distractions and shortly after sitting down I start the race. This initial dump of information is ill suited for any audience except my own but it’s both exciting to fill the page and helpful to have a place to start editing. I’ve found that this initial push to make content appear balances well with the slow paced rhythm my editing usually holds.

And Back We Go

Well I think my morning break has expired and it’s time to finish editing that article I was working on. Enjoy your next sip as it only gets colder from here.




Written by Jace

Just another blogger in cyberspace. I blog 📓 for a living on a portfolio of websites and day trade 🗠 to keep the lights 💡 on.

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